"It's not hard changing a group from being your biggest adversary to becoming your greatest strength.
It all depends on creating the right Group Culture"

Keynote Speaking & Webcast

In an ever-changing, unpredictable and fast-paced world, we must dig deeper to find our inner resilience, balance and wellbeing. Yet, increasing workload, insufficient work-life boundaries, and an unsupportive work environment often impede us from reaching this goal.

Although research clearly shows that these stressors hinder employee wellbeing—leading to lower productivity, engagement and eventually diminished organizational performance—surveys show that to date, not enough effort and resources are put into supporting employees in reaching a higher level of wellbeing.

In his keynotes, Yaron demonstrates—using the LTI Organizational Wellbeing Model, business cases and academic research—the short and long-term costs of reduced employee wellbeing to both the employee and the organization as a whole and the needed steps to increase resilience, balance and wellbeing in the organization.

The lectures focus on theoretical and experiential learning and are often used to kickoff wellbeing initiatives or induce a culture shift in the organization.


Organizational Wellbeing Keynote topics include:

  1. Resilience and Coping with stress in life and at work
  2. Belonging: going beyond Safety, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  3. Driving the organizational culture with purposeful wellbeing
  4. Engaged living: taking the path from burnout to balance

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How can we help?

If you would like to set up a speaking or webcast engagemnt , please fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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liberty mutual

What do our clients say?

"To come so close together in such a short amount of time"

I invited Yaron for 2 online executive workshops on ‘Resilience and Coping with Stress’. It turned out to be the best thing to ask for to help me and my team through these rough times. The workshop was both impactful and insightful with deep essential learnings, easily transferable and extremely helpful.

Yaron's calm way of guidance immediately won over my team, creating a warm and trustful atmosphere that allowed for openness and sharing while his questions were spot-on, and his analysis clear and balanced.

My team commented on how surprised they were to be able to come so close together in such a short amount of time, as we did not expect that from an online workshop.

Thanks, Yaron for a highly memorable and extraordinary team experience. W
Leadership development workshops
Lars Rodefeld
Head of Small Molecules Technologies, Bayer

"The learnings gained from the sessions has been referenced so many times"

I invited Yaron for two workshop sessions for my team members. During these meetings my team members were able to share and find solutions for both personal and work-related issues they experienced during the pandemic period.

The topic and the way Yaron facilitated the workshop was very memorable and since then the learnings gained from the sessions has been referenced so many times.

I would highly recommend working with Yaron for his thorough understanding of people, his ability to apply and teach psychological concepts and his sharp insight into matters at hand.

For us, Yaron was able to make a difference, both personally for individuals, as well as for all the team.
Organizational wellbeing workshops
Annette van Berge Henegouwen
Head of Finance Strategy, NN group
Dear Yaron, Thanks a lot for this extraordinary team experience!
Project manager

"A Great experiential learning"

Yaron's talk on Resilience was very insightful and well received.
His group exercises backed up by research allowed for a great experiential learning experience and sparked a deep and fruitful discussion with the team.

Thank you so much, Yaron!
Sebastian Vieregg
Senior Head of Consultancy Partnerships, Google
"Thank you Yaron for an inspiring and energising session, highly appreciated!"
Resilience and Coping with stress workshops
Oliver Rosenthal
Head of Creative Works, Google
Manuela Werhand Comments

"I thought a lot about the workshop's content these last two days"

I would also like to take the opportunity to thank you very much for the resilience workshop we had with you on Friday. An especially well balanced mix of theory, examples and experiencing ourselves.
For me it was the first time having a workshop in a virtual format, and it was a great and also fun experience.

I thought a lot about the workshop's content these last two days and am convinced I will apply them a lot in the future. You as a coach came across as a charismatic and highly professional person, but also very authentic and sympathetic.
You created instantly a trustful and pleasant atmosphere, which enabled us as a team to be very open even with highly intimate topics. Thank you so much once again for this experience and also for offering us your help and support.
Looking forward to meeting you again!
Head of Research Analytics

"If you or your organization are struggling with change..."

If you or your organization are struggling with change - either dealing with it as it happens, recovering from the aftermath of significant events or just looking for a chance to come closer together and build on existing strengths - this workshop helps provide a perspective of why change can be harder on some people or harder at different times, and how to assess where you are in the change cycle to enable a faster, more resilient recovery.
Additionally, you will learn options for identifying and overcoming learned behaviors that impede you from really overcoming the challenges of change.

The discussion of the model was extremely helpful, allowing me to consider historical situations that may be impacting today's attitude and status, and Yaron's facilitation skills which enabled him to patiently wait for participation and encouraging follow up dialog made the conversation much richer.
Erin Ahlers
Head of Analytical Sciences, US at Bayer Corp Science

"Extremely helpful and intense"

The resilience workshop was a great experience for me - extremely helpful and intense, allowing me to take away personal learning and concrete actions for increasing my own and other's resilience. I enjoyed the fact that it was not a one-directional presentation, rather a group experience. Very calm, trustful and focused atmosphere - enjoyed it! Thanks!
Head of Production

"Even after a single session positive actions could be taken away"

A very open and engaging style gave the team, even in a virtual environment, a real opportunity to discuss resilience in an approachable way. Ideas could be quickly assimilated, so that even after a single session positive actions could be taken away.
Mark Ford
Head of Research, Bayer

"Brought us closer together as a team"

The resilience session with Yaron brought us closer together as a team and although we were actually spread across different continents, we felt an atmosphere of trust.
It helped me to reflect on the effects the current situation has on me and to identify ways to deal with the stress, and using "the Help Button".

We had such a great experience, time flow by so quickly, and the mixture of content and experience was great.
Project manager

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How can we help?

If you would like to set up a speaking or webcast engagemnt , please fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.